“My practice as an OT is forever changed.”


Cedar Crest, NM, USA


My child has frequent “meltdowns”. Can Neurodevelopmental Movement help?

Neurodevelopmental Movement is extremely effective for helping with emotional calm in the short term and emotional maturity in the long term. In the short term, certain movements are very calming and helpful to release stress and shorten emotional outbursts when they do happen.

In the long term, integrating reflexes, especially the Fear Paralysis and Moro Reflexes, and doing consistent Rhythmic Movement results in greater emotional maturity, fewer emotional outbursts and greater ability to communicate. The main reason these movements [from the Brain and Sensory Foundations® course] are effective is that they help us develop the proper brain pathways for quicker access to the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the area of the brain that helps manage emotions, and develop rational thinking. Accessing the prefrontal cortex, releases us from the hold of the lower brain function of “fight or flight” and irrationality.

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Top 10 Ways To Develop
Your Child’s Brain


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