“Every child has made so much progress and it has been so wonderful to have parents and kids excited about therapy!"


Nikki Kieffer, OTR/L


In our culture we grow up with the idea that we think with our heads, feel with our hearts and move with our bodies. While this is true in a limited sense, in reality, there is no way to separate the three realms.

It is more accurate to say we think, feel and move as a whole living being and we can never do one, with out affecting the other two. Movement is food for the brain as the following article demonstrates. {link to article attached—the link between movement and learning}.

If movement is food for the brain, then infant reflex and rhythmic movements are superfood for the brain. Like green drinks packed with nutrients, the infant movements nourish and develop the brain with great effectiveness.

Read the full article:
The Link Between Movement and Learning by Jon Bredal, MA


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Top 10 Ways To Develop
Your Child’s Brain


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