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Melody Edwards, PT


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Thank for reading more about the wonderful innate neurodevelopmental movements!

Most children enjoy doing neurodevelopmental movements and many children remind their parents to do them. Children frequently comment that the movements help them feel calm, more alert, or “better”.

Some highly sensitive children will find certain movements challenging at first, then much easier as they begin the process of integrating their reflexes and maturing their sensory systems. When movements are challenging, we break them up into smaller parts, and only do them in tiny amounts. Over time, we progressively work up to the whole movement sequence so that the child feels successful throughout the process.

While human beings are designed to move and to experience pleasure with movement, some children are very sensitive to movement or are lethargic and do not enjoy moving at first. This is a sign of under-development of the brain, body, and sensory systems. These children require more neuro-movement, but we have to start with less at the beginning to allow them time for  integration and comfort in the process. Because each individual is different, we do not use a one-size-fits-all approach.

For very sensitive children, we begin with movements that are deeply calming and that can be done while the child is sleeping. In these cases, we have been very successful using our "Go-Slow Guidlines" from the  Brain and Sensory Foundations® course.

We can also learn playful ways to engage our children while we do neurodevelopmental movements. Besides the benefits from the movements themselves, children also enjoy connecting in a playful way with their parents.

The most comprehensive, effective, affordable, and accessible place to access the innate neuro-movements is via the Brain and Sensory Foundations® course, guiding you in a tested, proven, system that is supported by evidence.

Read the FAQs about the training course.
Questions? Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The ability to be still requires brain maturity. When a child cannot be still it is usually due to a lack of brain maturity. Neurodevelopmental Movement provides the proper kinds of movement to develop maturity in the basal ganglia of the brain, which is the main part of the brain responsible for the ability to be still. We intuitively understand that a healthy toddler will be in near constant motion while awake, but we expect an older child to sit still. Even though a child may seem old enough to be still, when stillness is not easy or possible for the child, it usually means that the brain requires further maturation. Once we give the brain and body the innate movements for neuro-sensory-motor development, stillness becomes possible and much more comfortable for the child.


Neurodevelopmental Movement is extremely effective for helping with emotional calm in the short term and emotional maturity in the long term. In the short term, certain movements are very calming and helpful to release stress and shorten emotional outbursts when they do happen.

In the long term, integrating reflexes, especially the Fear Paralysis and Moro Reflexes, and doing consistent Rhythmic Movement results in greater emotional maturity, fewer emotional outbursts and greater ability to communicate. The main reason these movements [from the Brain and Sensory Foundations® course] are effective is that they help us develop the proper brain pathways for quicker access to the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the area of the brain that helps manage emotions, and develop rational thinking. Accessing the prefrontal cortex, releases us from the hold of the lower brain function of “fight or flight” and irrationality.


Learning involves taking in information and then doing something with it. Learning depends on how information is received, processed and then connected to an action. Effective learning requires clear and efficient “wiring” between the nerves, senses and muscles of the body. We can strengthen and stabilize this neuro-sensory-motor system through movement.

The neuro-sensory-motor system in large part gets its “training” through movement. This training begins in the womb and continues through toddlerhood with automatic, instinctual reflex and rhythmic movements. Among their many “jobs” these innate movements literally “grow” the brain and nervous system and determine our ability to interact with the world. Our reflex and rhythmic movements also help train the vestibular (balance) system, the visual, hearing, touch and proprioceptive systems and sensory processing abilities. The importance of the childhood movements to all of our future life skills, especially learning and relationship skills, cannot be understated. Learn these movements in the Brain and Sensory Foundations® course

For more information read the article: The Link Between Movement and Learning  


The brain, body, and sensory systems respond positively to innate neurodevelopmental movements whether or not medication is involved. However, if you are planning to eliminate medications, you must work closely with your health care provider. According to Harald Blomberg, MD., a psychiatrist, the best option is to slowly and gradually reduce medications as the benefits of the movements take effect.

Dr. Blomberg observed that when enough of the proper kinds of innate neuro-movements are given, the brain responds by producing balanced amounts of neurotransmitters on its own.

With a combination of innate neuro-novements and good nutrition, Dr. Blomberg was able to successfully wean children from medication for ADHD while reducing and eliminating ADHD symptoms. You can read an example here.

The most comprehensive, effective, affordable, and accessible place to access the innate neuro-movements is via the Brain and Sensory Foundations® course, guiding you in a tested, proven system that is supported by evidence.

Read the FAQs about the training course.

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


If your child is struggling in any area of life Neurodevelopmental Movement will likely be helpful. Nearly all children with learning delays or emotional and social challenges have neuro-sensory-motor delays or dysfunctions. The more dysfunction or “glitches” in the NSM system, the more difficulties there are with learning, emotions and behavior.

Some parents intuitively know that the way their child moves looks somewhat un-natural or awkward. Other children are coordinated, athletic and energetic, but still struggling in school or with behavior. Either way, if your child is struggling in any area of life, there could very well be underlying stresses in the neuro-sensory-motor (NSM) system that can be helped by doing Neurodevelopmental Movement.

The movement patterns of a child or adult provide a window into the brain and nervous system. A trained movement specialist can look at specific movement patterns in a group of children and without any prior background information, can reliably determine which children are having difficulties.

What is most important to understand is that at any age we can provide specific movements to transform the neuro-sensory-motor system and this results in better functioning in all areas of life.

The most comprehensive, effective, affordable, and accessible place to access the innate neuro-movements is via the Brain and Sensory Foundations® course, guiding you in a tested, proven system that is supported by evidence.


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