Teri Gelgood is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist of more than 25 years who has worked in Child Protective Services, outpatient mental health clinics, and schools helping children and families with developmental trauma. She has seen great success from applying the Brain and Sensory Foundations tools in her mental health therapy practice, and shares her valuable insights here:
Teri Gelgood, LMFT
"Neuroscience states that to heal the impact of developmental trauma and neurodevelopmental disabilities, you have to mature and organize the brain at the lowest level of where there are impairments because the brain is a hierarchical organ. For most children with developmental trauma, their neurology is impaired at the level of the primitive brain. Yet most therapeutic interventions target higher brain regions (limbic and cortical)...If we want to help these children, we need to provide them with what their brain needs."
"...Brain and Sensory Foundations provides research-based, neuroscientific information and teaches neuro-sensory-motor interventions that are critical to helping regulate and mature the brainstem, thereby healing the roots of many mental health disorders."
Teri's experience shows how effective neurodevelopmental movements are for addressing developmental trauma:
"I sought long and hard to find the kind of training I’ve been provided through the Brain and Sensory Foundation courses and I have been more than thrilled with the results I have been seeing in the time I have been using neuro-sensory-motor interventions with clients. Some examples include a toddler no longer having separation anxiety when her adoptive mother has to go somewhere without her and a 9-yr old boy having fewer dissociative, aggressive episodes at home."