Continuing Education Courses in Primitive Reflex Integration & Rhythmic Movements for Optimal Sensory Processing, Executive Function, and Motor Skills
Brain and Sensory Foundations® Second Level Course (Part 2)
In-depth Training in Reflex Integration and Innate Rhythmic Movements
Take Your Skills to the Next Level!
Enhance Your Outcomes with the Brain and Sensory Foundations Second Level course
Primitive reflex integration and innate rhythmic movements are key to optimal functioning. With the Second Level online training you will make great strides with important primitive, postural, and survival reflexes: Spinal Perez, Landau, Amphibian & Crawling, Crossed-Extensor, Foot Tendon Guard, Pull-to-Sit, Parachute, Rooting, Sucking, Swallow, and Bonding. You also get more innate rhythmic movements for relaxation and boosting development. Many of the course instructional videos are done with children for an excellent learning experience.
Life Changing Transformation: The Brain and Sensory Foundations, Second Level activities were among the helpful tools used for this infant with Torticollis.

Baby was born, April 3, 2018 • Photo 1 taken June 27, 2018 • Photo 2 taken July 9, 2018
Therapists and photo credit: Maggie Lloyd, OT and Cath Winfree, Massage Therapist with Melody Edwards, PT as consulting therapist.
See another case study showing excellent results for a 13 month old baby with late-stage torticollis.
- Gain confidence
- Make a huge impact
- Be inspired by profound and measurable results
Get 13 contact hours! Convenient online access, no written assignments—just an exam.
*Prerequisite: Brain and Sensory Foundations First Level course. Register for this introductory primitive reflex integration course.
Parents & Professionals Love the Brain and Sensory Foundations Second Level Course
93.9% of student surveys show "very good" or "excellent" ratings.

Hear from Your Peers
"The Brain and Sensory Foundations, Second Level course took my skills of working with reflexes to a whole new level-especially for the treatment of Torticollis. Sonia does a masterful job of taking her wealth of information and distilling it down to the best of the best and then presenting it in a very practical way that can be immediately used in a treatment session. I am so thankful that I took Brain and Sensory Foundations, Second Level. I highly recommend this course to fellow therapists, parents, counselors, teachers, and anyone else working with children."
"I was so moved by the changes I saw in my students that I began my own private practice to share with even more people. The mother of a 10-year-old client recently told me that her often reluctant child asks to do the rhythmic movements and wants to share them with her dad because she thinks it will help him."
"The Brain and Sensory Foundations courses have taught me ways to help the children I work with in occupational therapy make progress faster.”
"The RMs [innate rhythmic movements] have been integrated into our practice with most success to increase functional engagement when the kiddos can't seem to relax otherwise. They are also proving to be the gateway for motor development—amazing results where other interventions were not even close to helping. The kiddos love the "work" and the parents are relieved to find bedtime movements that relax everyone!!!"
What Makes the Second Level Course Special?
The Second Level gives you greater depth with many primitive, postural, and protective reflexes that support the full development of the reflexes from the First Level. You get excellent information on how reflexes work together and how you can help create the best results.

The Second Level online course gives you:
- 6 rhythmic movements with multiple variations (21 total)
- 11 infant reflexes—primitive, postural, and protective
- Techniques for extreme challenges/hypersensitivities
- Extra help for challenging reflexes: ATNR, Babinski, & FPR
- A gentle, effective Infant Torticollis protocol—no painful stretching
- Birth & Bonding integration
- Instructional videos with young children
- Instructor support
To enroll in the Brain and Sensory Foundations Second Level course, you must have either previously taken—or be currently registered in—our First Level course.
Get 9 Powerful Sessions to Optimize Primitive Reflex Integration
Enroll Now for Instant Online Access
Get Primitive Reflex Integration Tools to Boost Physical, Sensory, Social-Emotional, & Cognitive Skills
Spiral-bound, full color, printed training manual included.
$395 USD or $211 USD in two consecutive payments, 30 days apart.
International (non-USA) shipping, $33 USD added at checkout. Some countries may require additional postage fees, if applicable we will contact you prior to shipping your manual.
Purchase Orders
We gladly accept Purchase Orders from USA-based employers. Please follow these instructions.
Group Rates
Group rates are available for our courses. Rates depend on the number of participants and geographic location. Please send us details and a contact number via our contact form.
Program Access through January 31, 2026
Course Assignments for Certificate and/or CEUs due on or before January 31, 2026
"I am stunned by the level of information that has been shared in Brain and Sensory Foundations. I feel that the value far exceeds what was paid. The scientific and rehabilitative value of rhythmic movement and reflex integration is irrefutable and cutting edge practice for clinicians and educators.”
Alexandra Lejeune, Occupational Therapist, UK.
Meet Your Course Instructor
Sonia Story, M.S. has been teaching neurodevelopmental movements since 2006.
She earned a Bachelor's degree in biology/psychology and a Master’s degree in Movement Sciences.
Sonia developed the Brain and Sensory Foundations program to provide comprehensive training in neurodevelopmental movements—combining innate rhythmic movements, play, primitive reflexes, and postural reflexes.
She is the author of The Importance of Reflex Integration and the Evidence eBook, giving the rationale and evidence basis for using neurodevelopmental movements for helping with challenges such as ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorders, anxiety, emotional dysregulation, visual skill deficits, poor social skills, gross and fine motor delays and other neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders.
Her work is featured in numerous podcasts, summits, and conferences, and in the books Almost Autism: Recovering Children from Sensory Processing Disorder; Special Ed Mom Survival Guide; Family Health Revolution; and Same Journey, Different Paths—Stories of Auditory Processing Disorder.
Sonia’s mission is to help children and families experience the profound benefits of neurodevelopmental and integrative movements for more functional and fulfilling lives.
Instructor Disclosure: Sonia Story, M.S. is the co-owner, developer, and instructor for Brain and Sensory Support Co. (dba/ Move Play Thrive) and receives compensation for conducting this course. She has no other relevant relationships to disclose.
Continuing Education Information
Brain and Sensory Foundations, Second Level (Part 2)
Brain and Sensory Foundations Second Level Course Information
Be a Powerful Force for Change
With the Second Level Brain and Sensory Foundations online course you will be more confident than ever about your skills. Innate rhythmic movements and primitive reflex integration are key to optimal functioning. You will be thrilled to see your efforts helping children, teens, and adults thrive.
This Course is Vital For:
- Comprehensive primitive reflex integration
- Addressing neurodevelopmental issues with rhythmic movements
- Early intervention
- Helping with complex issues
- Bringing clients and loved ones the best possible outcomes
*Prerequisite: Brain and Sensory Foundations First Level course.

Enroll Here for the Brain and Sensory Foundations Second Level Online Course
For Program Access Through January 31, 2026