“I highly recommend this to give a better understanding of the underlying causes for a child's problems.” 


Laura Masciarelli PT
Wantagh, New York

Does Neurodevelopmental Movement work even for children and adults who are taking medication?

The brain, body, and sensory systems respond positively to innate neurodevelopmental movements whether or not medication is involved. However, if you are planning to eliminate medications, you must work closely with your health care provider. According to Harald Blomberg, MD., a psychiatrist, the best option is to slowly and gradually reduce medications as the benefits of the movements take effect.

Dr. Blomberg observed that when enough of the proper kinds of innate neuro-movements are given, the brain responds by producing balanced amounts of neurotransmitters on its own.

With a combination of innate neuro-novements and good nutrition, Dr. Blomberg was able to successfully wean children from medication for ADHD while reducing and eliminating ADHD symptoms. You can read an example here.

The most comprehensive, effective, affordable, and accessible place to access the innate neuro-movements is via the Brain and Sensory Foundations® course, guiding you in a tested, proven system that is supported by evidence.

Read the FAQs about the training course.

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