

I appreciate your interest in neurodevelopmental movements.

Prior to discovering neurodevelopmental movements, life was difficult for me to enjoy. After many years of trying various approaches—including nutrition, bodywork, regular exercise, and meditative work—I still had constant underlying anxiety, scattered thoughts, poor focus, and deep frustration over my tendency to procrastinate.

After 4 months of daily neurodevelopmental movements, I could not believe how much better my life became. Doing neurodevelopmental movements relaxed my nervous system, boosted my skills, and allowed me to release my need to control. Anxiety that had plagued me my entire life was gone! In its place was calm positivity and spontaneous joy. Though I still get stuck at times, I find I can reliably use these unique movements to help me focus and achieve my goals without procrastination. I am now able to function at a much higher level in my daily life and relationships.

Since 2006, I have attended over 50 trainings and studied with many of the world’s top experts in the field of neurodevelopmental and integrative movements. I earned certifications to teach neurodevelopmental movements and gained hands-on experience with individuals of all ages. I developed the Brain and Sensory Foundations program—combining neurodevelopmental movements with many other supportive techniques. Brain and Sensory Foundations has become successful far beyond my expectations—the techniques have been proven effective by thousands of our participants. I am in awe of the benefits of these simple innate movements and I continue to educate myself in this field and to learn from parents, therapists, and children.

To see more about my education, training, and experience go here.

If you are ready to embrace a more full and enjoyable life for yourself and for those you serve, I am confident you will find the Brain and Sensory Foundations program effective and greatly fulfilling. All along the way, you get high quality, individualized support and a step-by-step method that works. 

I look forward to helping you discover the benefits of neurodevelopmental movements.


Sonia Story, MS