Gain Access to Communication with Spelling to Communicate
by Lili Story, Certified Spelling to Communicate Practitioner
Do you know a nonspeaker or unreliable speaker? Spelling to Communicate (S2C) gives nonspeakers and unreliable speakers access to robust and unlimited communication via letterboards and specialized motor training. Thousands of individuals use S2C as their primary means of communication and have demonstrated they are competent and able to direct their own lives.
Spelling to Communicate is the provenance of the International Association for Spelling as Communication (I-ASC). The mission of I-ASC is to provide access to communication for all. To paraphrase the founder, Speech Language Pathologist Elizabeth Vosseller: With nonspeakers the issue is not an inability to learn or an unwillingness to learn, it is that the body can’t do what the brain is asking without proper motor training and regulation support.
Why S2C is Effective
Communication always involves motor skills, and all traditional forms of communication–including speaking, writing, and sign language—require fine motor proficiency. Apraxia is when there is difficulty with deliberately initiating, sustaining, and stopping motor actions due to a brain-body disconnect. For individuals with apraxia, fine motor actions are far more challenging to manage than gross motor ones. This is why standard modes of communication are unreliable and inadequate, and why many nonspeakers have been unable to express their true abilities. S2C uses gross motor skills to select letters on letterboards to spell words. By supporting regulation and training the body in specific and attainable gross motor movements, nonspeakers can use letterboards to communicate reliably and participate in the world with agency and autonomy.
Our Services
Lili Story is a certified S2C Practitioner seeing private clients in-person at our office in Port Hadlock, Washington. To find out how you can help nonspeakers gain access to communication, contact Lili at: