Comments from Students of the Brain and Sensory Foundations Program
Lisa Book, Pediatric Physical Therapist
"My 2 oldest (7 & 5) girls are happy to do the [rhythmic movements from the Brain and Sensory Foundations course] everyday, which is huge, because every time I've tried doing anything therapeutic with them is the past, its been like pulling teeth. Anyway, out of curiosity, I asked them the other day why they liked the movements and what they felt like in their bodies. My 5 yr old answered: "I like them because they make me feel like I'm 18 years old". I was surprised by this answer so I asked her to explain. She then explained that they make her "feel big and strong”. My oldest said they make her feel calm and happy! In the past week, our home has been a little calmer and we've had less emotional outbursts and I am thrilled!"