Boy Stops Drooling, Begins Speaking, Enjoys Playing with Peers

Rhythmic movements and primitive refelx integration help pre-schooler in many areas.

This therapist was working with a young boy who, "was barely talking, did not have eye contact with anyone, wasn't toilet trained and was in total fear." See how tools from the Brain and Sensory Foundations program helped him make great strides!

Submitted by Rachel G.

Smiling boy in sunflower patch. Text: Boy stops drooling, begins speaking, enjoying play with peers.

Insisted on wearing a cap for security Stopped wearing cap
Barely talking Speaking fluently
Drooled Stopped drooling completely
Would not make eye contact Maintaining eye contact
Fearful Much calmer; enjoying time with peers
Not toilet trained Almost fully toilet trained

I've been working with a 3.5 year old boy with severe motor and speech delays for 6 weeks now, 1 session per week [from the Brain and Sensory Foundations First Level course].

"When I first saw him he was barely talking, did not have eye contact with anyone, wasn't toilet trained and was in total fear."

After 2 sessions the mother reported that he's saying many more words and he stopped drooling completely.

After 3 sessions he stopped wearing his cap which he never removed from his head for his security.

Now, after 6 sessions he's basically talking fluently (he still needs work on his clarity), makes proper eye contact, is almost fully toilet trained, is not scared of people or things and enjoys himself with his peers.

He's also much calmer at home and enjoys playing on his own.

[Edited for length and clarity; emphasis added]

*Disclaimer: The activities in the Brain and Sensory Foundations curriculum make use of the natural processes of neuroplasticity and development that are innately wired in the design of human beings to promote maturity and function. These activities appear to calm, organize, and mature the neuro-sensory-motor systems just as we see in the healthy development of human infants. Individual results may vary, and we do not claim to offer a diagnosis or cure for any specific condition or disorder. The Brain and Sensory Foundations activities appear to improve overall functioning resulting in measurable improvements for a range of conditions as demonstrated in over 1800 case studies from participants.