Mother is in Awe of what Simple Movements Can Do

Submitted by CHL

Woman walking. Text: Huge Success with Pain Reduction.

 Daily activities would trigger shoulder, wrist, hip, and lower back pain  Much reduced use of pain killers and steroid medication because there is very little pain
 Ongoing heel pain  Heel pain is almost 80% resolved, without steroids

I am a 48 year old lady who is currently unemployed and full time care-giver to my son, C-S (10-year-old boy, who is diagnosed with autism).  My husband and I separated when C-S was 3 years old. We are currently staying with my mother in a village called Bukit Gambir.

Since the separation, I felt a lot of stress and burden due to caring for C-S on my own since he was 3. I am also emotionally down due to guilt that C-S became autistic after his booster vaccination at age of 18  months. This feeling of depression, anxiety and hopelessness went on for years. 

Thankfully Sonia, the instructor of Brain and Sensory Foundations course encouraged the caregivers to do the movements themselves to experience the effect. I immediately felt better after 2 weeks of RM and integrating my Moro [Reflex] and FPR [Fear Paralysis Reflex]. 

I realized I also have all the reflexes unintegrated. After 2 months of RM and reflex integration [from the Brain and Sensory Foundations program], I found myself not reaching for pain killers or steroid medication as I have very little pain. 

Also I found that my shoulder and wrist is less triggered by flareups and swelling with activities like mopping and washing the toilet that immediately caused flare-ups the next day.

Interestingly, my hip and lower back pain has also reduced significantly and now I am able to pick up objects from the floor easily. One important thing to mention is my feet reflexes. I work on integrating the feet reflexes [from the Brain and Sensory Foundations course] every time I felt a sharp pain in my front knee cap. After several rounds of integration, I will start walking and the sharp pain is gone. 

Also I am amazed that integrating feet reflexes could actually help with severe heel pain. The past 3 weeks I have been integrating my feet reflexes almost everyday. Then suddenly to my surprise my 3 years long chronic heel pain has so little pain that it didn’t bother me at all. Last 2 years it was so bad that my rheumatologist wanted to inject the heel with steroid to reduce the pain. The heel pain is almost 80% resolved and I am very sure that if I integrated all other reflexes my body is going to feel less stiff and painful and not  feeling like a victim of patient with arthritis

I am looking forward to learn more and wish to sign up for level 2 course. This amazing course has helped my son and I so much and I am in awe of what a simple movement could do so much changes to an immature brain.

[Edited for length and clarity, emphasis added]

*Disclaimer: The activities in the Brain and Sensory Foundations curriculum make use of the natural processes of neuroplasticity and development that are innately wired in the design of human beings to promote maturity and function. These activities appear to calm, organize, and mature the neuro-sensory-motor systems just as we see in the healthy development of human infants. Individual results may vary, and we do not claim to offer a cure for any specific condition or disorder. The Brain and Sensory Foundations activities appear to improve overall functioning resulting in measurable improvements for a range of conditions as demonstrated in over 1800 case studies from participants.