Previous Behaviours Are Barely Evident

Submitted by CW

Little boy smiling into camera. Text: No longer overwhelmed

 Difficulty with loud/busy places were overwhelming  Sensory issues are barely evident
 Huge emotional outbursts  More emotionally regulated

I use the rhythmic movements [from the Brain and Sensory Foundations course] for my 5-year-old nightly (he has/had Emotional and Sensory processing stuff) and his previous behaviours are now barely evident. 

My child appeared to be born with some processing challenges. Loud and busy places have been overwhelming for him. Intense sensations such as emotions or pain have resulted in huge emotional outbursts. He has battled to transition from one activity to another.

"He has been anxious about new experiences and reluctant to engage fully with life. It's as if life has been overwhelming for him."

I realized that the opportunity existed to try and develop his neurology to help him to be able to grow and develop through integration.  I adopted a number of strategies including improving his diet, homeopathy, ensuring I managed my own emotions, worked on giving him a consistently secure relationship. I also studied the neurodevelopmental movements through Sonia Story’s online Brain and Sensory Foundations course and we began a daily practice.

"On the first night of doing the rhythmic movements my son slept for 12 straight hours — what a wonderful time for healing through integration."

Since then I have noted that he is calm after the movements, he seeks them out and they help him sleep.  I have worked on integrating his reflexes, especially Moro & ATNR - and he is so much more integrated and emotionally regulated.  He is social, he happily goes to play or do sport after school and while he still seeks a lot of quiet time and time on his own, he is able to ask for it or seek it out as opposed to just melting down in overwhelm.   I have [been] so impressed with and grateful for this program and its benefits that I see everyday in my home. Thank you Sonia. 

[Edited for length and clarity; emphasis added]

*Disclaimer: The activities in the Brain and Sensory Foundations curriculum make use of the natural processes of neuroplasticity and development that are innately wired in the design of human beings to promote maturity and function. These activities appear to calm, organize, and mature the neuro-sensory-motor systems just as we see in the healthy development of human infants. Individual results may vary, and we do not claim to offer a cure for any specific condition or disorder. The Brain and Sensory Foundations activities appear to improve overall functioning resulting in measurable improvements for a range of conditions as demonstrated in over 1800 case studies from participants.