Cindy Black, OT

"I must tell you. Despite what everyone else was reporting, I too was a skeptical OT. It seemed too easy to get results, and kind of weird. WELL, when I started the first RMs [innate rhythmic movements] with a child in a class of 6 young ASD students, the teacher (of her own volition) got permission from the parents to do them with all of the kids. ... I walked into the class 6 weeks later, and the teacher said "We are sold!" My student was no longer talking in whispers, and had gone from hardly doing one task in a day, to doing 4-6 in a day. Another student who had never spoken, had begun to speak. All of the kids line up to get the RMs done, and my child tries to push in line to get it done first. ... Tried the RMs on a late teen with CP and high tone in a wheelchair. They did them after hygiene changes on the plinth. The staff saw this young adult who they'd worked with for years, light up, try to answer questions, learned the staff names and began to clearly articulate them. In Sept I was met with 'can we try them on so and so?' (I have other stories too.) ... SOLD!"