"My son has responded very well to the rhythmic movements and even reminds me to do them. We have already seen improvement [after 4 weeks] in his being less distracted and less prone to over-reaction. He is beginning to be more calm over all."
Comments from Students of the Brain and Sensory Foundations Program
"I’ve been an OT for 30+ years, and this is one of the most amazing CE courses I have ever taken. The techniques that Sonia Story provides are simple but I found them to have unexpectedly profound results for students who could receive the activities on a regular basis for an extended period. For example, a 6-year-old boy with severe sensory issues was able to tolerate getting a buzz cut and drying his hands with a blow dryer in a public restaurant after 1 month of a 5 times per week home program. He had fled from such experiences initially. A 13 year old girl with autism went from putting her fingers in her ears and refusing most activities, and being terrified of germs, sharp objects, to asking to cook in OT, including cutting vegetables. A 7-year-old boy with fetal alcohol syndrome and ADHD was unable to write legibly, attend in class, or hop on his left leg. His mom did the Move Play Thrive activities over the summer, and when he came back to school his writing was legible and staying in the lines, he could hop indefinitely on his left leg, and his teacher said his attention had improved significantly in class. I’m usually suspicious of this type of ‘miracle story,’ but these things really happened. I would recommend this to anyone who works with ‘out of sync’ children."
"Brain and Sensory Foundations was so comprehensive—the manual, handouts, the video sessions. It was obviously a labor of love. I highly recommend it for any professional who works with children."
"I am a Naturopathic Physician practicing in Anchorage, Alaska and cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate your work and wisdom. I work with a lot of kids with issues and always look at the reflex issues first and often that is enough to get them back on track."
"My 2 oldest (7 & 5) girls are happy to do the [rhythmic movements from the Brain and Sensory Foundations course] everyday, which is huge, because every time I've tried doing anything therapeutic with them is the past, its been like pulling teeth. Anyway, out of curiosity, I asked them the other day why they liked the movements and what they felt like in their bodies. My 5 yr old answered: "I like them because they make me feel like I'm 18 years old". I was surprised by this answer so I asked her to explain. She then explained that they make her "feel big and strong”. My oldest said they make her feel calm and happy! In the past week, our home has been a little calmer and we've had less emotional outbursts and I am thrilled!"
"The information presented here is life changing! It was instantly applicable to my patients (children, teens and adults) as well as a game changer in the life of my own son. This not only has become a standard part of my treatment but a staple part of my conversation.
Thank you!"
"After completing this course, I can say that I have a more holistic approach when it comes to sensory integration and mental health challenges as a lot of the primitive reflexes have a strong correlation with both topics."
"I must tell you. Despite what everyone else was reporting, I too was a skeptical OT. It seemed too easy to get results, and kind of weird. WELL, when I started the first RMs [innate rhythmic movements] with a child in a class of 6 young ASD students, the teacher (of her own volition) got permission from the parents to do them with all of the kids. ... I walked into the class 6 weeks later, and the teacher said "We are sold!" My student was no longer talking in whispers, and had gone from hardly doing one task in a day, to doing 4-6 in a day. Another student who had never spoken, had begun to speak. All of the kids line up to get the RMs done, and my child tries to push in line to get it done first. ... Tried the RMs on a late teen with CP and high tone in a wheelchair. They did them after hygiene changes on the plinth. The staff saw this young adult who they'd worked with for years, light up, try to answer questions, learned the staff names and began to clearly articulate them. In Sept I was met with 'can we try them on so and so?' (I have other stories too.) ... SOLD!"
"This course helped me understand why I do what I do. As a pediatric OT I felt like I knew a lot about reflexes and did activities to address them, but I now have an even better understanding of reflexes, how they present, how to assess and how to integrate. The format was very helpful to facilitate the sequence in which I need to be more successful with implementing this into my homelife and practice.”
"I have been a school based Occupational therapist for 24 years, and this course, more than any other I've taken through the years, has truly revolutionized the way I conduct my therapy sessions, and even the way I look at therapy more broadly. It has shown me the "why" for the dysfunction I see in my students and giving me a way to work on basic sensory motor skills..."
"I'm amazed with the great results I've seen with the patients in my practice. A phenomenal course and would recommend this to all therapists."
"Most thorough and intensive physical treatment skills based course I've take in my 25 years as an OT. Finally have some real answers for serious quality of life issues for people of all ages and experiencing so many various challenges. The personal and prompt response to my questions was beyond beneficial and helped me overcome my own barriers to better apply the principles."